What DO You Have?

I was reminded recently of a story from the rich Christian tradition of the New Testament wherein Jesus was teaching a large group of people and they became hungry.  He told his disciples that he wanted to feed them, and the immediate response of the disciples was one of scarcity, almost as if they were saying, “Look at all of this food that we DON’T have.”  They were focused on their lack of resources.  Well, that wasn’t very useful to Jesus who redirected them by asking, “What DO you have?”  That’s when they came up with the inventory of a few loaves and fishes, leading to the miracle of abundance.  Focusing on what you DON’T have will do nothing more than leave you feeling frustrated and discouraged.  What DO you have?  Now that is a useful question.  Bring what you have and start with that to create abundance.

Vision is what gives us the power to initiate movement.

Brett Harward

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3 Responses to “What DO You Have?”

  1. Kathy Hansen Says:

    A different twist on a familiar story. Very insightful – thanks for sharing a new light and opening my mind to see more options.

  2. trentjessee Says:

    What a great post! Thanks for sharing Dr. Paul. Taking an account of what we do have does far more good to empower our minds to find solutions. I’ll share this with my team. Take care

  3. kclever5 Says:

    Hey, Dr. Paul!

    Love this!

    What a great testimony to the fact that miracles of abundance do happen.


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